Monday, October 11, 2004

Oh, for things...

I am concerned and somewhat dismayed to discover that I am hung up on THINGS. Having things, having nice things. I guess there's nothing wrong with that, except I never thought I was a materialistic person. What defines being materialistic? When you want things at all, or when you want things to the detriment of other priorities?

People like Jesus and Gandhi went out of their way to NOT have things... is that the bar I should be setting for myself? The less I have, the better person I am? More attuned, more depth to my personality? Are materialism and spirituality at opposite ends of the spectrum, or can they co-exist comfortably? I guess they can - you only have to look at people like
good ole Brian to see that they can - but at what cost? He is quite happy with his lot, I'm guessing, but nobody else takes him seriously. Of course, that's an extreme example, but an example of how having things - or not having them - can lead others to define you.

I think the bottom line is that if I'm secure enough in who I am, what others will think is totally irrelevant and will have no bearing on how I think about myself. It's never really worried me before, so I'm curious to find out why I'm pondering this all of a sudden.

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