Tuesday, February 28, 2006

MAN, I hate that!

Thanks to Martha and her bloody annoying (cos I don't get any work done), but totally irrestistible links, I am now officially Grumpy At Work. I clicked on her "face recognition" link, because I wanted to know which famous person looks like me (not the other way around, of course).
I uploaded a photo, and clicked "Recognise Me" and was faced with registering details and stuff before I could see who the famous person was. Man, I hate that!
THEN, after registering, I clicked "Recognise Me" again, I was presented with a blank screen where the famous person's face should be - we don't have Flash Player at work. Man, I hate that!
Now I have to wait til I get home and Maaaaaan, I Hate That.
You don't REALLY have annoying links, Wanda. It's just that now the anticipation is killing me. :)

Why I had children

Every now and then, they come up with real doozies, like the time her father and I asked the Oldest how high she could count - she looked very thoughtful, then raised her hand to shoulder-level and said "about that high."

I was picking the Youngest up from daycare yesterday and we were sitting on the floor putting her shoes on. She was moaning and leaning to one side, "Owww, Mum, my bum hurts, owwww... maybe there's something up there." Ever helpful, I replied "Maybe it's poos, babe." She pondered this for a second then agreed, "Yes, I think I AM a little bit complicated."

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Why why, K.Y.?

I am a bad blogger. Bad bad bad. But here I am, back again.

I have been watching way too much television of late, but every now and then, the wee box throws out a doozy. I was watching a wonderfully romantic ad on Sky for a selection of grab-your-tissue movies they will be playing for your enjoyment on Valentine's Day. It was a beautiful ad - it made me sigh wistfully... until I saw that the movies were "romantically brought to you by K.Y." KILLED IT!

I'm a bit perturbed by T's propensity for violent Playstation games. I didn't think she was a particularly bloodthirsty girl (and she doesn't get the chance to indulge when the kiddies are home) and she knows I object on principle to shoot-em-up games, but she was quite vehement in her justification - "But they're Nazis, babe!" What could I say?