Sunday, February 12, 2006

Why why, K.Y.?

I am a bad blogger. Bad bad bad. But here I am, back again.

I have been watching way too much television of late, but every now and then, the wee box throws out a doozy. I was watching a wonderfully romantic ad on Sky for a selection of grab-your-tissue movies they will be playing for your enjoyment on Valentine's Day. It was a beautiful ad - it made me sigh wistfully... until I saw that the movies were "romantically brought to you by K.Y." KILLED IT!

I'm a bit perturbed by T's propensity for violent Playstation games. I didn't think she was a particularly bloodthirsty girl (and she doesn't get the chance to indulge when the kiddies are home) and she knows I object on principle to shoot-em-up games, but she was quite vehement in her justification - "But they're Nazis, babe!" What could I say?


Violet said...

There are few things less romantic than a reminder that you might need a bit of help with the old groining.

Unknown said...

the old groining? what a way with words Violet has.

I had almost forgotten it's Valentine's day tomorrow. I won't say no to grab your tissues movies though.

Martha Craig said...

you're not a bad blogger as long as you come back.

I like the groining word.