Thursday, September 18, 2008

Types of people I hate with a vengeance #1

Sneaky little workplace peck-peckers.
The type who, upon having a problem with something you've done/not done, get all sneaky on your ass and take it up with your higher-up instead of having a chat with you. And then they get all "do-this-do-that, peck-peck-peck" until you feel so heckled, you want to backhand them.
I am absolutely terrified about the up-coming school holidays - not only are we 3 staff members down (oh god, I miss them!), but we have been told to increase the number of programmes we do each week. SO - for both of the weeks, we are doing double programmes (morning and afternoon) 3 days per week. Eek.

Monday, September 08, 2008


Why is there always heaps of snot when you have a cold??? I used to think that having a blocked nose was the WORST part of it (I HATE having a blocked nose; it terrifies me), but I'm fast sick of the burning eyes, sneezing, chills and, of course, the excess nose discharge. Trying to sing to a crowd of under-3's without having to dash out for another tissue this morning was a monumental task.
I watched a Sunday Theatre last night, entitled "Compulsion" . A bit stilted in parts, but it was nice to see Parminder Nagra departing from her usual squeaky-clean personas. Not a masterpiece, but an interesting aside for a Sunday night.
One of my friends gave me Team America: World Police (made in 2004?? It's been that long??)for the weekend. Have seen it a couple of times before, but the more I watch it, the better the satire gets. Piss-taking is a great past-time.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

I really really really miss my dog.

Tess is a labrador/flat-coated retriever crossbreed. Black. Gorgeous.

I had three dogs (but Bubble & Xena only counted as one, because they were so small. Chihuahuas.) I rehomed Tess a year ago because she kept escaping and the principal of the local school complained every time she went over to play with the kids... she was that kind of dog. I found out that the chap who took her lives around the corner from my new house (which is all fully fenced; aah, the irony) and his place is falling into slovenly ruin.

I want her back. Is that being really ridiculous and unreasonable? Still, after all this time, I miss her badly. Rehoming her was a really stupid stupid move and I wish I hadn't. Am I being a total dreamer? Or should I go see this guy and ask him if he would consider giving her back to me? She's even still registered under my name.

I just want her to come home. Waah.