Monday, September 08, 2008


Why is there always heaps of snot when you have a cold??? I used to think that having a blocked nose was the WORST part of it (I HATE having a blocked nose; it terrifies me), but I'm fast sick of the burning eyes, sneezing, chills and, of course, the excess nose discharge. Trying to sing to a crowd of under-3's without having to dash out for another tissue this morning was a monumental task.
I watched a Sunday Theatre last night, entitled "Compulsion" . A bit stilted in parts, but it was nice to see Parminder Nagra departing from her usual squeaky-clean personas. Not a masterpiece, but an interesting aside for a Sunday night.
One of my friends gave me Team America: World Police (made in 2004?? It's been that long??)for the weekend. Have seen it a couple of times before, but the more I watch it, the better the satire gets. Piss-taking is a great past-time.

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