Monday, May 07, 2007

Aahh, the irony

... that the day I choose to be the prodigal daughter and venture back into BlogLand comes AFTER I have moved my workspace/desk/crap from the office we call Siberia, to the general workroom. WIIIIIDE out in the open. I have to keep my screen half-up, over my Outlook. Does anybody know if that works? Does it make my computer screen look "officially" busy??

It took me about FOUR goes to remember my password, that's how bad I have been. But I have an excuse (well, for my recent absence, anyhoo). My dog died. I'd had Bubble (named after the ditzy receptionist on Absolutely Fabulous) for eight years, since she was a weeeeee mite. She managed to get acute pancreatitis. I miss her. Dreadfully. But that's all I want to say about that.
Anyhoo... I have so much bollocks piling up gathering dust in my head, that it's quite overwhelming. Like remembering to take my pills (another post in itself!), I have resolved to blog at regular intervals. I WILL. Pinky Promise.

The last word goes to The Smallest (again!), upon discussion of different kinds of birds:

"I don't believe in hawks!"

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