Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The cause of the Meh

I got a migraine this afternoon; my mood gets odd beforehand, hence the Meh. I am a walking lurgy, I'm sure of it. I started getting the aura twenty minutes before I was due to read stories for our preschool programme... I suddenly noticed stars and black spots in my vision. A panic to get the appropriate drugs into my system before the pain set in ensued, although Nurofen do bugger all except stop me puking.

It was most inconvenient; the ex-husband and I had the p/t interviews tonight... the upside was that both of our children are little angels at school and are doing really well. I just sat there, feeling really wasted, making the right noises of encouragement... I think I fooled them.



Ali-Belly said...

Erm... not WASTED-wasted - very drained and washed out. Due to the migraine. It's a term we use here for "extremely tired". I was most definitely sober. Jeepers.

Violet said...

Heh - maybe they thought you were WASTED-wasted...

Ali-Belly said...

Heh... it would seem so.