Friday, August 19, 2005

TALK ABOUT too much time on my hands

Usually it's the complete opposite. I love irony, but today I DO have too much time on my hands - of course, it is time that could be spent actually doing some WORK. Which leads me to the disturbing thought that any of the higher-ups at work could read my blog and they might take note of the times of day that I blog and then I could be up some serious shit-creek.

I'm taking the opportunity to tie up a few bloggie loose ends.

I blogged ages ago that I was reading 7: A Novel by Julie Hilden. Well, I finished it and I liked it, although I thought the obsessive-scary-lesbian-stalker part was a tad Hollywood. Loose end number one tied.

Then I blogged a few days ago that a friend of mine was visiting from Auckland. It was the first time I had seen her since her move north nine months previously, so I was looking forward to it immensely. Well, she visited last Friday; once at work, then at my house later on that evening. She has and she hasn't changed; she hasn't, because she was still the same bubbly, vivacious woman she was when she left... and she has changed, because she now has this incredible aura of dignity around her, like she is a lot more sure of her place in the world now. The new things she is learning has, paradoxically, also given her a sense of humility that is totally endearing. I didn't think it was possible for her to become a lovelier human being, but there you go. I am really chuffed that she is so happy. But then she had to go and I missed her all over again.. waahh. Loose end number two tied.

I also started reading "We need to talk about Kevin"... I tried really hard, but I don't think I was in the right headspace to read it, as I was getting more and more pissed off with Kevin's mother and her self-flagellation. So I have passed it over for now - it was on request for someone else, so I had to give it back anyway. I will get back to it as some stage, as I thought the whole notion was quite fascinating. Loose end number three tied.

Yay, it's nearly hometime (and the weekend). Although I think my car is about to die.

1 comment:

Violet said...

You gotta be careful about blogging at work. Especially if people at work know you have a blog - and I should know because everyone at my old work seems to know about mine <:-o