Tuesday, August 09, 2005

A total case of MEH

I'm having one of THOSE weeks - I have a total case of "Meh" at the moment, otherwise known as a case of the "blahs". I can't be bothered doing anything. Anything or anyone that requires my attention and takes away from my Meh is causing a disgruntled sense of resentment. I'm yearning for my dressing gown, the couch and the TV, all at once.

I have Parent/Teacher interviews tonight. For once, I'm not afraid of what The Smallest's teacher is going to say (on account of her being such a deviant... for which, incidentally, I was reprimanded for teaching her to say), as I have had positive comments from her teacher lately that she has been a "good girl", which is a mean feat for her. I have also realised she is a quickfire, photographic speller - on the way to school one day last week, she fired off "Mum, what does m-i-t-s-u-b-i-s-h-i spell?"... "Where did you see that?"... "On that car back there that we just drove past"... I thought it was suitably impressive for a six-year-old.

I am still angsting over pasting HTML (it IS that, right?) stuff into my template to allow for a "blogs I read" link in my sidebar. I have tried it on numerous occasions and it just will not work. Which is aggravating the hell out of me, as I have been reading some great blogs. Yet another something to put into my "Meh" category.

I can't believe it's only Tuesday.

1 comment:

Violet said...

If you want, I can have a look at your html and see if I can spot what went wrong with it (it's probably something basic and you need a fresh pair of eyes). Just send me a copy of the entire template as an attachment to my gmail.