Friday, August 05, 2005

How much I hate The Sickness

I have a raging cold. I HATE colds. The thing I hate most about them is the blocked nose, so I am always diving for the nasal spray, which I invariably end up becoming addicted to (yes, it's addictive!) and have to spend the next two weeks weaning myself off the stuff. I also hate the coughing - the dry, tickly, totally un-productive cough thats sweats you up with the effort required and leaves every muscle in your body feeling like you've been assaulted by a Swedish masseuse. Not to mention it's totally inconvenient... I have too much to do! Although, I made it to work this morning (and am still here!), so I deserve a bloody medal.

The highlight of my week was news from a far-away friend telling me she is visiting next week. I haven't seen her since last year, so I'm looking forward to it immensely.

My fella and I were discussing some finer points of Moving Day, which is looming. I find myself becoming preoccupied with the notion of "forgetting" how to live with someone other than your children - I haven't done it for 3 years, so I'm out of practice. I'm worried I won't be able to `do' it properly anymore and I don't want to offend the other half with my crotchety old ways, especially seeing as it's him making the move and giving up lots.

Meh - I have suddenly lost my train of thought and need to go and snuffle into my tissue.


Violet said...

Oooh you're moving in together - congratulations!

You'll be fine once you've sorted out who's doing what housework chores, who gets the tv remote and who does the cooking.

Ali-Belly said...

violet - done that; He can't cook to save his life, so that's my domain... on the proviso that I am exempt from doing any kind of dishwashing - I HATE it. He's bringing down his telly (which is wayyy flasher than mine), so we'll be haggling over the remote, dammit.
Chores? What are those?