Friday, July 22, 2005

A monumental task

I've been trying my hand at scrapbooking for the first time. I'm making up a "30 years of sisterhood" memory book for my sister for her 30th birthday... it's proving to be a most arduous, albeit very enjoyable - task. I'm supposed to give it to her tomorrow at her birthday bash, but so far I've only done the cover of the album and a couple of pages about her wedding. It's very sentimental-looking, but I'm like that and so is my sister, so I think she'll like it.

I am the world's biggest procrastinator, as I haven't started on it again this morning; instead I have whiled away a bit of time watching a pair of blackbirds flirting in the tree outside my window... and blogging.

I have been preoccupied with taking spooky photos of churches at night this week - found a good one in Cambridge on Saturday and a couple of great gothic-looking ones inPalmerston.

Meh - on with the album.

1 comment:

Violet said...

That's a very nice scrapbook page. I don't have the patience or imagination for all those fiddly bits that go into decorating a scrapbook. I also hate cutting up photos.

Scrapbooking is supposed to take a long time anyway - you probably should have started it a year ago.