Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Yearning for surgery

I TRIED to get The Book done for the party, but was totally unsuccessful. In fact, I still haven't finished it, but I explained to my sister that "what I was doing" (without giving it away) was a huge task, so bear with me. The fact that I received my last birthday pressie at least 6 months late did a lot to make me feel better.

The party was fab, we all looked very pretty, although yet again I was left wishing I could afford a neck lift... the curse of maternal genes. I managed to pass off a drunk fall-down-the-steps stagger as a `pretend' one... wasn't my fault; the gorgeous stilletoes my Man picked out were a challenge even for the most sober among us.

Came back to work yesterday. It hurt. I had to be at work ALL DAY. It's going to take a couple of days to get back into the swing of things. Dammit.

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