Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The tiki-tour

Spent the weekend traipsing around the country.. well not really; went to Hamilton with the fella to meet some more whanau. I met the brother, the sister-in-law, the nephew and the daughter. His daughter is a few months older than my oldest - we went shopping (read: I dragged the poor things around the shops on my find-a-skirt-for-my-sister's-party mission). She's really quite sweet.

Stopped in at his Mum's for dinner last night; was lovely to see her again.. and I was afraid that I would miss an opportunity to see the first episode of Desperate Housewives, but luckily the mother was as intent on watching it as I was.

Thanks to
Violet, I have just starting reading We Need to Talk About Kevin, by Lionel Shriver. I'm only a little way through, but already I am disturbed by the character's seeming emotional detachment from her son. I don't like her very much at all.

I'm getting brave enough to start wondering if the wider world would want to waste spare time reading my blog... there was a lot of W's in that sentence. I think it's a good thing that I don't yet know how to throw my blog into the consciousness of the Blogger World.

It's only Tuesday, but I'm already starting to dread the end of my week off. I need to loosen up and stop living ahead of time.

1 comment:

Violet said...

I actually got much more annoyed with Kevin's father.

If you really want lots more people to read your blog, you have to leave comments on lots of other blogs and consider signing up to blog directories. And then you get yourself a blog-stats application. Next thing you know you'll be obsessively checking your stats every day to find out how many views you're getting, and letting the numbers dictate your mood. Don't do it!!